Summary of exercises for people with heart valve disease

업데이트 날짜: 26-02-2025

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Heart valve regurgitation is a very dangerous disease for everyone’s health. There are many ways to treat this disease, but the simplest and best way is probably regular and consistent exercise. Below, Hplus will summarize effective and safe exercises for people with heart valve regurgitation to help increase endurance and support the cardiovascular system.

Benefits of exercise for people with heart valve disease

Benefits of exercise for people with heart valve disease

Benefits of exercise for people with heart valve disease

Exercise is an effective method to improve health, especially for patients with early-stage heart valve disease.

Not only sick people need to exercise, but also normal people, Hplus encourages everyone to spend time exercising every day. Because exercise also reduces the risk of stroke, blood pressure, diabetes.

If you are experiencing health problems, consult your doctor to find the most suitable exercise for your health condition.

Exercises for people with heart valve disease

There are countless exercises that can help improve your cardiovascular health. Here are a few suggestions.


Yoga is known as a highly integrated training method between mind and body, yoga exercises will help you improve not only physically but also mentally and emotionally for the practitioner. This is also a very reasonable choice for people with heart valve disease at any stage because yoga will help patients reduce heart rate, reduce stress, lower blood sugar. However, for those who are in the early stages of the disease, consider some positions with the head below the heart such as: upside down, banana tree planting, etc.

Stretching exercises

Stretching the body is very simple but also brings unexpected effects in reducing stress and lowering blood sugar in people with the disease. We should stretch the muscles in some parts such as: arms, legs, back, etc. This is a simple method so you can do it every day to achieve high efficiency during the treatment period.

Exercises for people with heart valve disease help the body and heart become healthier

Exercises for people with heart valve disease help the body and heart become healthier


Walking is an ideal way for anyone who wants to start a daily exercise routine. Walking increases your heart rate without making you out of breath, and is great for maintaining your heart health. You should walk at a brisk pace and spend 30-60 minutes a day for the best results.


According to information from the UK National Health Organization – NHS, cycling is a healthy exercise, helping to reduce the risk of serious illness. Experts also confirm that the main effect of this exercise is to increase heart rate, blood circulation, and maintain long-term health. According to a survey, people who regularly cycle have reduced the risk of cardiovascular diseases by half.

Strength training exercises

Exercises that can help improve your health include: Plank, jogging in place, jumping squats, push-ups, high knee running, jumping rope, etc. These are some exercises related to heart endurance and reduce the risk of disease if practiced regularly.